Maps & GIS

The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association researches, analyzes, and publishes geographic information in support of conservation. Below are links to and descriptions of some of this work.

Spatial Database of Conserved Land in Pennsylvania

PA Conserved Land is Pennsylvania’s official spatial database of conserved properties. It includes both privately conserved land and public land held by Pennsylvania state government, the federal government, and local county and municipal governments. The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association updates and refines the database on a regular basis. To suggest corrections or additions, please contact PALTA's GIS analyst, Irina Beal, at [email protected].

DCNR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Grants on the Ground

The Grants on the Ground interactive map is a partnership project of DCNR's Bureau of Recreation and Conservation and the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association. The map displays and summarizes conservation project grants funded through the Bureau. Grant projects are categorized by funding source including the following funds: Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund; Environmental Stewardship Fund; and Land and Water Conservation Fund. Please visit DCNR's Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants page for more information.

Group Finder

The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association has mapped the service areas of land trusts, watershed associations, environmental advisory councils, and other organizations. You can access all of this information from the Group Finder page.

Streamside Tree Planting Opportunities and Prioritization for PA

Where is a good place to plant streamside forests to improve water quality? The answer could be “just about anywhere.” But some streamside forests benefit water quality more than others. This project combines high-resolution land cover data with soils, topography, land use, and climate data to evaluate more than 200,000 potential streamside forest planting opportunities across Pennsylvania. View the full report here.

More GIS resources to come...
